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Dead Space (Xbox 360)

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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Gamespot tests alpha client

Gamespot - June 6, 2008

Submitted by BishopB (600) at 12:22PM PST on June 11, 2008

Dead Space is an amazing-looking game, both technically and artistically. Using a custom-built engine, the environments and lighting effects are perfect for a survival horror game. A few artistic flourishes also really add to the atmosphere. The inventory system is particularly noteworthy because it's projected alongside Isaac as a 3D display. It's a striking depiction of the technology of the future because you can pan the camera round and see the menu as if it physically existed.
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Dead Space sells 1.4m across 3 platforms

VG247 - May 5, 2009

Submitted by deftangel (291) at 5:22AM PST on May 5, 2009

Speaking to Gamespot, Visceral Games boss Glen Schofield’s confirmed that Dead Space has thus far sold 1.4 million units.Good stuff, and great news for the IP’s continuation.
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Three million people played Dead Space (half didn't...

Joystiq - January 1, 2009

Submitted by Jonman (379) at 3:03PM PST on July 7, 2009

Only 1.5 million people bought it new. Speaking on the official EA podcast, Glen Schofield, EA studio manager for the Dead Space team, said that while the team had discussed adding co-op, he didn't believe the lack of that feature is what sent the game tape flying back to GameStop after players had solved i
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Dead Space Scares Up Earlier Release Date

Kotaku - September 4, 2008

Submitted by necron101 (15) at 8:55PM PST on September 4, 2008

By Halloween, you may have already burned through EA's scary space adventure twice, as the publisher announced that it would be bringing the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Dead Space to retail on October 14. That's a full week earlier than its previous calendar rijiggering.
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Dead Space Hands-on Preview

Teamxbox - May 17, 2008

Submitted by Benopolis (530) at 6:26PM PST on May 17, 2008

Back in October, TeamXbox brought you a first look at the rather sexy-looking survival horror shooter slated for release on Halloween of 2008. Dead Space is set on an enormous mining space ship a couple hundred years in the future, and takes its sci-fi inspirations from the finest of literary science fiction traditions. More recently, EA gave us the opportunity to actually get our hands on the game and feel how it actually played for ourselves.
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Dead Space to get $150 Ultra Limited Edition

Ars Technica - September 25, 2008

Submitted by noobie (468) at 11:26AM PST on September 25, 2008

For those looking to really get into the Dead Space universe, this version of the game will come with the two other announced multimedia projects: an animated DVD and 160-page graphic novel. In addition to the DVD, comic, and of course the game, the special edition will also include: * special Ultra Limited Edition packaging * bonus content DVD * exclusive lithograph art * 97 page art book * Ishimura crew patch
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Reviews Liven Up Dead Space Sales

Edge - November 10, 2008

Submitted by rjboettcher (793) at 9:50AM PST on November 17, 2008

"While reviews for Dead Space generated some positive buzz, there's still always a question mark that follows the release of virtually any new, unproven IP. However, one analyst says that the EA Redwood Shores-developed game has likely exceeded U.S. retailers' and EA's own sales expectations. In his NPD preview, Jesse Divnich with Electronic Entertainment Design and Research believes the game, released on October 14, sold 470,000 during its opening month in the U.S."
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Exclusive Dead Space Hands-On Preview

1up - August 11, 2008

Submitted by CasualMalice (521) at 6:43PM PST on August 11, 2008

Without getting into a treatise on the definition of a "gimmick" in videogames, I would say that Dead Space is practically overflowing with them. But if it uses these gameplay tricks well enough, I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. I was able to check out two never-before-seen areas in the seventh chapter of the game that showcased a variety of Dead Space's gimmicks in quick succession.
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Dead Space: First Hands on & EA Interview

Kikizo - February 8, 2008

Submitted by deftangel (291) at 6:06PM PST on February 7, 2008

EA isn't known for original IP, but that might be about to change. We talk to EA's Glen Schofield and give our first-hand impressions of what could be this year's Bioshock.....There's a level of enthusiasm in the Dead Space team so tangible, it had the president of EA sold as soon as he played a six-month concept build of what is an utterly unconventional project for the company...
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Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Building a New Intellectual Property

1up - July 27, 2008

Submitted by CasualMalice (521) at 6:39PM PST on July 28, 2008

The architects of the Dead Space cross-media strategy had a brief panel at Comic-Con in which they discussed why they wanted to bring this intellectual property to the pop-culture mediums of videogames, comics, and animated features. The team's goal is to have each of these products set the tone for the next one, akin to passing the baton during a long-distance relay.
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