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Sony Outsells Wii in Japan; EA Excited Over PS3 Sales Target

filefront - November 30, 2007

Submitted by -THE-RAY- (272) at 7:23AM PST on December 2, 2007

With new console purchases expected to reach 200 million units in the next five to six years, John Riccitiello who is the head of Electronic Arts is pleased with the upswing in PS3 sales. “It’s been the longest, hardest transition in the history of the industry.
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Games Radar: Why are PS3 games always late?

Games Radar - November 22, 2007

Submitted by -THE-RAY- (272) at 3:12PM PST on November 22, 2007

Oh PS3, you really must work on this tardiness. You’re a strong student with a lot of brains, and you can produce good work when you put your mind to it, but with this persistent lateness you’re not only letting us down, but you’re letting yourself down too. We know you’ve only just joined us and that you’ve had to take some time to settle in, but you’re really going to have to start applying yourself from now on.
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Patcher: 40GB delayed by stock of 60 GB in U.S?

GI - October 15, 2007

Submitted by Just_Ben (112) at 8:49AM PST on October 15, 2007

Michael Pachter: "These rolling announcements suggest to me that Sony has an inventory control problem, with too many unsold 60GB units out there, and they don't want to have to cut the price to clear them," Pachter thinks that Sony will wait to announce the 40GB after the 60GB are cleared out, or else it will "accept reality and bundle a game and an extra controller for USD 499.99."
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PS3 sales top 1m in Japan - Enterbrain

Games Industry - July 18, 2007

Submitted by Making_Waves (706) at 4:19AM PST on July 18, 2007

A new survey from Famitsu publisher Enterbrain claims that 1.01 million PlayStation 3s have been sold in Japan since the console launched there on November 11. According to Reuters, it took Sony four times longer to reach the million mark than it took Nintendo. Enterbrain said 2.9 million Wii units have been shifted since its December 2 launch. The next-gen console with the biggest head start has racked up the lowest sales - Xbox 360 arrived in Japan in December 2005, and just over 420,700 units have since been sold.
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Sony considers producing PS3 with larger hard drive

Games Industry - April 16, 2007

Submitted by Smuggley (228) at 6:55AM PST on April 16, 2007

Sony considers producing PS3 with larger hard drive
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PS3 Bundle Includes MGS4, Killzone 2

Kotaku - July 4, 2009

Submitted by noobie (468) at 5:33PM PST on July 5, 2009

Normally, hardware bundles are a spotty affair. A game you don't really want, or two games, one you kinda want, one you just do not want. But this bundle, on sale at Best Buy next Sunday, looks great! Sent in by a Best Buy employee, and confirmed by other BB employees, it's an 80GB PS3 bundled with copies of two of the biggest games on the system: Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2. All that for the asking price of a standard PS3, $400. It's one hell of a bundle.
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Hackers confirm PS3 backups hack is real

Maxconsole - August 16, 2008

Submitted by yamaro (94) at 4:20PM PST on August 16, 2008

A number of hackers have stepped up to confirm that yesterday's reported PS3 hack is the real deal. Mathieulh said "Yes it is but as I mentioned earlier it only works with a few games and it is very disconvenient to use." While Alek of Dark_Alex's blog commented "We can confirm that it's for real, although it's still under a Proof of Concept state."
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Firmware v2.36 and v2.40

PS Blog - June 17, 2008

Submitted by afsplat (130) at 5:07PM PST on June 17, 2008

A new PLAYSTATION 3 firmware update (v2.36) will be launching soon, improving system stability when playing select PlayStation format software titles. We’re also happy to officially report that the 2.40 system software update for PS3 will include “XMB” access in-game. The update will also include “trophies,” an exciting new feature that we’ll be providing more details on soon, as well as some other new enhancements.
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Sony working on 'break apart' motion PS3 pad

GameIndustry - June 13, 2008

Submitted by tyrile (511) at 9:10AM PST on June 13, 2008

Sony Computer Entertainment is working on a new controller for the PlayStation 3, which features the ability to 'break apart' into two separate units, each of which contains an accelerometer for 'Wiimote-like' motion-sensing functionality, understands. It's not clear when the pad will be officially announced, but it is believed that working units have already been supplied to certain developer partners, according to sources.
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Home open beta due in November

Videogaming247 - May 12, 2008

Submitted by deftangel (291) at 6:35AM PST on May 12, 2008

Ron Festejo, Home’s creative director, has confirmed that Home will enter its open beta phase in November this year. “Home is currently in a closed beta phase,” he said, speaking at last week’s SCEE PlayStation Day in London. “We have between 8,000 and 10,000 users in this closed beta phase. Around July we’re going to be expanding on the closed beta phase and allowing more people to gradually come in, and then in November this year we’ll be going to the open beta.”
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