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Halo 3 (Xbox 360) > Articles

Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Halo 3 multiplayer map names discovered

xbox360fanboy - June 1, 2007

Submitted by brymstone (1203) at 9:24AM PST on June 1, 2007

More Halo 3 beta code mining has resulted in the finding of what looks to be the names of all of the multiplayer maps that we'll be playing in Halo 3. The 7th Columnist, with the help of a few others, discovered the map names while searching through the code for juicy Halo 3 information. There's our beta maps Valhalla, Snowbound, and High Ground listed and even recently announced maps Last Resort and Shrine. But there's others we haven't heard about like Chill, Construct and Warthog Inc that make our imaginations run wild. Full list of all twelve Halo 3 map names after the break.

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